Doing Hard Things

2024-09-07 • 2 min read

Improvement comes from when you advance your comprehensibility frontier by exposure to content you can almost understand. - Joshua Derrick

We generally avoid dealing with pain. We tend to stay within our comfort zones and mold our identities to experience as little pain as possible. However, if approached with confidence, deliberately putting yourself through pain can be a game-changer.

To get out of your comfort zone, you must outgrow it. Like an onion, we are trapped inside multiple layers of comfort zones. These zones actually make us numb. Most comfort zones are built so you eventually reach a position where the environment and conditions are just about right for you. There doesn’t seem to be a need to take action or change anything. That’s how you become numb.

In this situation, you would be better off by changing things. A little action can significantly change the trajectory of your life. It would feel hard, requiring you to break some rigid energy patterns developed over time, but it generally leads to a more positive position.